From July 20-24, 2012, UNWTO organized a mission to Mongolia. The UNWTOdelegation was led by Secretary-General Mr. Taleb Rifai, who was accompanied byMr. Xu Jing, UNWTO´s Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, andMs.Oyundelger Sengee, officer of UNWTO. A key purpose of the mission was for the Secretary-General to meet thePresident of Mongolia, H.E. Mr. Elbegdorj, and present him withthe Open Letter for Tourism as part of UNWTO and WTTC´s Global Leaders for Tourism Campaign. Inconjunction with the visit, aTechnical Workshop on Tourism Marketing was held on23 July 2012 for officials from the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, aswell as the players and stakeholders of the Mongolian tourism industry. Thisworkshop was also attended by representatives from China and Russia.UNWTO commissioned Dr. Victor Wee, Chairman of Tourism Malaysia toparticipate in the mission to Mongolia as an expert. During the mission, Dr. Wee helddiscussions with key tourism industry players and presented a paper on “SuccessfulTourism Marketing: The Case of Malaysia” at the Technical Workshop.

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