Meeting looks to the future of Mongolia’s meat exports

A meeting about increasing Mongolia’s meat exports was held at the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry on December 13. Participants noted that meat products produce the most export revenue in the agriculture sector.

Researchers from the University of Agriculture reported that Mongolia is capable of exporting from 42,000 to 93,000 tons of meat between 2014 and 2020. But they said technological improvements were needed to increase exports.

Mongolia exported 19,300 tons of meat in 2010, with 90 percent of it going to Russia. B.Enkhtuya of the Food Engineering and Biotechnology School of the University of Science and Technology said that Mongolia’s meat exports should be certified by international authorities to earn the trust of the world.

Participants noted that Mongolia’s meat processors are already capable of achieving world standards. They said there are 60 processors in the country and half of them already are exporting meat. Mongolia sends meat to Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

It was determined that the state needs to implement a policy to increase meat exports and to compete in the world. B.Damdinsuren of the University of Science and Technology also noted that the management of meat processors is necessary to increase meat exports.


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