Government releases figures on jobs program

The Government declared 2011 a “Year of Employment Support” and asked businesses to create jobs for the unemployed to increase household income.

The Ministry of Social Welfare and Labor, the Ulaanbaatar Labor Office, and the National Committee on Employment Support reported the results of the program on Thursday. Officials said 72,080 new jobs and some 45,000 temporary jobs were created this year.

About 14,000 permanent jobs were created in small- and medium-sized enterprises, mainly due to the Government’s MNT 100 billion bond issue.

National Committee on Employment Support Secretary General Kh.Ganbaatar said 122,000 new positions were created, but 40,000 to 50,000 unemployed people are still actively seeking jobs because they have no information about the openings.

The Government honored some organizations and sectors that actively worked to create jobs in connection with the Government program. According to the National Committee on Employment Support, the agriculture and light industry sectors led the way in 2011 by generating 30,125 new jobs, or 42.4 percent of the total. The sectors also financed 1,415 projects for MNT 300 billion to support small- and medium-sized producers.

MCS Group led ten organizations in 2011 job creation with 1,768 positions.


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