Suresh Kumar Talks US-Mongolia Relations

Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion and Director General of the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service, Suresh Kumar visited with journalists at U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia Jonathan Addleton’s home yesterday morning.

“U.S. and Mongolia share a very strong friendship. My visit is following up on the visit of U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden. Both the U.S. and Mongolian governments have created a framework for engagement. This is a framework which brings together not only the governments but also the private sector, companies and people and that’s how true engagement happens. This time we want to take it one step further in engagements.

There are representatives of companies that came with me and some of these companies’ names are very common, you have already heard of Peabody, General Electric, and Rio Tinto. We have met with the Ministry of Mining and Energy, and also with private companies, business communities, and National Mining Association. We had lots of conversations with ministries and we discussed how much more we can do and they were very positive and we recognized that Mongolia has potential to double the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)”.

He also stated the Mongolian Government spoke positively about the contracts of Oyu-Tolgoi and Tavan-Tolgoi mines, stating they wanted the operations to be environmentally friendly, utilize good technology, focus on safety and employing Mongolian workers.

Kumar said it’s better if the date, location, demands and processes are clear and open. Therefore companies from U.S. can operate with total confidence to fulfill demands, because they have the right technology, right projects sand ability. The U.S. has developed all of their sectors so they how experience, know-how and they are eager to help develop all sectors of Mongolia, not only the area of mining. .

To connect to the world Mongolia needs up graded transportation on roads, rails and through air. To complete this Mongolia needs to upgrade infrastructure and we will help and cooperate to complete this. Some companies such as Caterpillar and General Electric have already begun operating here.

Participating Companies:

1. Appalachian Regional Commission
2. General Electric
3. Geonano Technology Corporation
4. Kanawha Scales and Systems Inc.
5. Kress Corporation
6. Peabody Energy
7. Phillips Machine Service Inc.
8. Rio Tinto


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