New law seeks to make Ulaanbaatar smoke free in 2014

The Standing Committee on Nature, Environment, Food and Agriculture yesterday reported that it met 15 times to decide on 42 issues, including draft laws and protocols, during the Autumn session. The most significant of these draft laws was the one submitted by President Ts.Elbegdorj and aimed at reducing air pollution in Ulaanbaatar.

The law enables ger district residents to take long-term and low-interest loans against their land to build apartments, so that the population in Ulaanbaatar can be dispersed and migration to the city stopped. It will also generate employment in the provinces, as households and economic entities move to the countryside.

The law prohibits burning raw coal and other waste matter in special zones, and doing anything that releases pollutant chemicals in the air, to use alternative sources for heating and to use more electricity for other purposes. The President will soon establish a national committee to implement the air pollution reduction policy, and monitor its progress. The committee would target making Ulaanbaatar smoke-free in 2014. The Government will announce further measures by March 15.

The law also calls for reducing electricity rates by 50% for use between 6 pm and 9 am in ger districts.


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